Data backup

The server application Data Backup is designed for the backup of data from employees' computers on the one hand and from servers of departments (e.g. faculties, institutes, chairs, facilities, committees, university groups) of the University of Paderborn on the other hand. The backup of the computers/servers is done via a backup client, the restore by the user via the client.

The ZIM offers a backup service for areas (servers) and an archive service for members of the University of Paderborn.

Backup service

The backup service offers the possibility of backing up local computer systems and servers in the institutes both automatically and manually. Prerequisite for this service is the active cooperation with the system administrators in the institutes as well as an adequate and reliably functioning data network in the institutes.

Archive service

The archive service enables data to be archived in the long term. Unlike the backup service, data can be deleted from the local computer system after archiving. The data are stored without time restrictions.

The RWTH Aachen University offers a central data backup for the University of Paderborn. The software used is the Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM).

In order to participate in the data backup, a contract with the ZIM must be concluded. In this contract a contact person is named. This contact person must supervise the proper backup. He or she must also agree with the ZIM on changes to the backup (major changes to the backup volume or loss of a client).