Ser­vice Cen­ter Me­dia

The ZIM: Media is the central field for the media technology infrastructure of Paderborn University. In the Service Centre Media - one of the central advisory and support facilities of the ZIM - members of Paderborn University have access to services relating to the production and use of media in research and teaching, such as the loan of equipment for examinations, productions and hybrid scenarios.

You can reach the staff of the Service Centre Media during service hours on site in H1.201 and by phone at (05251) 60-2821.

Our services:

We offer the following services for hybrid event forms:

Services offered to all students and staff of Paderborn University for university or official purposes:

Further services of the ZIM: Media, which are generally aimed at employees of Paderborn University:

Please also contact the Media Service Centre. Tutors will help you with the production and post-processing of photos, videos and audios, as well as with the conversion and preparation of media for e.g. PowerPoint presentations or web applications.

Room: H1.201
Phone 05251/60-2821

Opening hours lecture-free period


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 13:00