Lend­ing me­dia

The Media Service Centre in room H1.201 provides all members of Paderborn University with a wide range of equipment for use in teaching and research, including:

  • Laptops

  • iPads (for staff)

  • Document cameras

  • Webcams and USB wireless microphones

  • Projectors & mobile screens

  • Presenters and various adapters

  • Flipcharts (but without markers)

  • BluRay players

In addition, equipment for audio and video productions is also available, provided that these productions have a university context. For example:

  • High-resolution camcorders

  • Single-lens reflex cameras

  • Mobile light sets with up to 3 LED panels

  • Camera and video tripods, as well as other accessories

  • High-resolution audio recorders with microphone connection

  • Various microphones for individual recording situations

  • Sound rods, XLR cables, and more.

Part of the loan is a short introduction to the use of the equipment, as well as support in case of problems. In addition, further advice can be arranged if, for example, more complex productions are planned.

Upon agreement, the ZIM: Media also offers individual production support.

Service Centre Media

Room: H1.201
Phone 05251/60-2821

Opening hours lecture-free period


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 13:00