Me­dia as a place of learn­ing

The Media Learning Centre, production environment for photo, audio and video editing, in the ZIM: Media is the place to go to produce your own video and audio contributions or to borrow media technology for university events. You will find competent contacts in the Media Service Centre (H1.201).

The following services are available at the Media Learning Centre:

Renting media technology for events
Laptops, portable beamers and other media technology can be rented for presentations and lectures as well as hybrid conference scenarios.

Producing videos
We allow every student to produce films themselves. UHD recording equipment can be borrowed from the Media Service Centre and audio, video and graphics editing workstations are available. However, the projects must have something to do with studies and the university. Student tutors and ZIM staff provide instruction in the available technology (by arrangement).

Radio production
Voice recordings and radio contributions can also be produced here. The staff support the campus radio station L'UniCo, among others.

Service Photography
Student projects can be supported by the Service Photography within the framework of courses.

Practical Media Seminars
The Media field supports all courses of study at the Institute of Media Studies in practical media training. In addition to introductory courses, we also offer in-depth seminars in which students can learn about possibilities and problems of professional work. Since October 2013, students in the Studium Generale have been able to participate in the editorial work of the TV teaching editorial team Blickfang, whose programmes run on the learning channel nrwision.

A variety of media products from practical media seminars at Paderborn University can be found at

Opening hours lecture-free period


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 15:00


09:00 - 13:00