
To use the IT services of the University of Paderborn a Uni-Account is required. This account can be set up at the Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM) and is usually valid for the duration of your membership at the University of Paderborn.

Im­port­ant in­form­a­tion and in­struc­tions for the uni­ver­sity ac­count

A university account is required for the following services:

  • E-mail / electronic mailbox / receiving messages from the university administration and the university library by e-mail
  • Paderborn assistance system for university and teaching (PAUL)
  • Wireless network for WLAN-capable end devices (notebook, mobile phone, ...)
  • Data exchange platform SCIEBO according to the European Data Protection Directive
  • PC use in the pool room of the ZIM
  • Network storage (including personal websites)
  • TYPO3 CMS, central blog installation, central Wiki installation
  • UPB URLShortener go.uni-paderborn.com
  • RIS (maintenance of a central university bibliography)
  • SharePoint
  • Registration with the DFN-AAI Federation (e.g. for remote access to electronic information media)

The creation procedure differs according to user group. There are the user groups students, employees, teachers, guests and guest lecturers. "Students" refers to the students of the University of Paderborn including the participants of the "Study for Older People", "employees" refers to the employees of the University including the scientific assistants, "teachers" refers to the lecturers including the assistant lecturers or guest lecturers and "guests" refers to external project participants etc.

It is created in self-service via the service portal. You must authenticate yourself using the data sent to you (TAN, link) and choose a user ID and password during the creation process. Please note that you cannot change your user ID after creation!

You can determine the user ID yourself within certain limits. The user ID is also part of your e-mail address, which is structured according to the pattern youre-mailaddress@campus.uni-paderborn.de and is automatically created when you create your Uni-Account.

The password for the Uni-Account must meet the following requirements for security reasons:

  • The password must be at least 8 characters long.
  • The password must be no longer than 25 characters.
  • At least one of the characters must be a lower case letter (a-z).
  • At least one of the characters must be a capital letter (A-Z).
  • At least one of the characters must be a number (0-9).
  • At least one of the characters must be a special character (?,!;#. etc.)
  • The password must not contain umlauts, accents etc. (ä, Ö, é ...)!