Up­dates and patches

The ZIM mirrors updates and patches of commercial software on its servers, so that they can be accessed faster internally and the university's Internet connection is relieved. These are in particular:

  • Sophos virus updates: Sophos virus updates from ZIM are synchronized with Sophos's servers every 10 minutes. Currently the ZIM supports Windows, macOS and Linux. For legal reasons, the server can only be accessed with a Uni-Account and Sophos password, and the Sophos password must be applied for in the service portal and is not the same as the normal password.
  • Windows Updates: The ZIM operates a WSUS (=Windows Server Update Services) server at wsus.upb.de, which mirrors Windows, Office, Microsoft Essentials patches and updates. The server can be used by all computers in the internal network of the university. Service packs, feature updates and drivers are not supported for security reasons. You have to download these yourself at Microsoft Windows Updates.