1st Pader­born Day of IT Se­cur­ity, 31 March 2006



Get together, visit of the exhibition


Prof. Dr. Gregor Engels, Paderborn University, Paderborn Forum "Industry meets Computer Science" (http://wwwcs.uni-paderborn.de/cs/kooperation/iti.html)


Plenary presentations (45 minutes each)
The situation of IT security in Germany
Michael Hange, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) (http://www.bsi.de/), Bonn
Cryptography as the basis of IT security
Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer, Paderborn University
IT security concepts for medium-sized companies
Andreas Kleine, dSpace GmbH (http://www.dspace.de/), Paderborn


Lunch break with snack, visit of the exhibition


Presentation of the working groups

  • Development of an IT security management system
    Moderation: Martin Schneider, UNITY AG (http://www.unity.de/), Paderborn

    The workshop is intended to provide an insight into the components and scope of an IT security management system. Furthermore, the reasons for the introduction, possible sets of rules and best practice approaches for an introduction will be given. The participants will have the opportunity to exchange experiences with other companies that are also about to be introduced or are already in the process of introducing the system.

  • Encryption in practice (with demonstrations on the computer)
    Moderation: Manfred Schneider, Data protection consulting proDS (http://www.pro-ds.de/), Paderborn

    Data protection and the encryption of data are pressing issues. In the course of the workshop, the necessity and procedure for planning an encryption solution for e-mails and files will be discussed. A special focus will be on the exchange of experiences of the participants. Backgrounds and connections will be supplemented by examples and demonstrations using Pretty Good Privacy (PGP).

  • Security in wireless networks (with computer demonstrations)
    Moderation: Rainer Funke, Paderborn University

    Local radio networks or wireless LANs (WLANs) can be set up with less and less effort. They are therefore becoming increasingly widespread to enable flexible mobile working with constant network access at work, while travelling and in the home office. In the workshop, weak points and security gaps of such wireless network solutions will be pointed out and possible countermeasures will be discussed in the exchange of experiences between the participants. Administration and analysis tools will be demonstrated using the radio network of the University of Paderborn as an example, if desired using the participants' notebooks.

  • Liability risks for IT managers
    Moderation: Dipl.-Kfm. Elmar Weißnicht, Paderborn University

    A lack of Internet security can have disastrous consequences for companies, especially if they have to be liable for damages to their employees that occur in the course of Internet activities. It can also lead to personal liability of those responsible. For this reason, checks on employees are essential. This is a problem that is currently being discussed in companies, as monitoring of the workforce using data protection standards is only possible to a limited extent.

  • Ten golden rules of IT security (exchange of experience and consensus building)
    Moderation: Dr. Gudrun Oevel, Paderborn University

    There are many guidelines and rules for the implementation of IT security, the recommendations of BITKOM e.V. and BSI are presented as examples. In the sense of an exchange of experiences, the participants of the workshop will discuss the relevance of the guidelines for their company and derive the most important practice-relevant topics from their experience.


Coffee break


Parallel working groups


Reports of the working groups in plenary


Summary and closing words


End of the event