10th Pader­born Day of IT Se­cur­ity, 26 March 2015


09:00 Get together
09:30 Welcome
Professor Dr. Gregor Engels, Paderborn University, Paderborn Forum "Industry meets Computer Science"
09:40 Keynote lecture
The situation of IT security in Germany
Michael Hange, President of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), Bonn
10:30 Break
11:00 Presentation of the workshops

Workshops 1 to 3 parallel:
Workshop 1:
Employee data protection - employee data in the hands of employers
Moderation: Carola Sieling, lawyer and specialist lawyer for information technology law, Law Office Sieling, Paderborn
Employee data are classically processed in the human resources and IT departments, but third parties are also frequently involved. What does the employer know about his employee? What is he allowed to know?  The data processing of employees in companies has its limits. This workshop gives an overview of the bodies that process employee data and shows the legal requirements for permissible data processing. By means of a large number of practical examples, it will be shown that these requirements are often, intentionally or unintentionally, not met.
Workshop 2:
Quo vadis, basic protection?

Moderation: Thomas Biere, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), Bonn
Workshop 3:
Smart Home - smart, but also safe?

Moderation: Holger Funke, HJP Consulting GmbH, Borchen, and Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer, Paderborn University
Within the framework of the KogniHome project, which was launched in autumn 2014, partners from industry, research, the service sector and the social and health care sector are working on the question of how "thinking along" and "trustworthy" technical systems can be implemented that can support people in their everyday lives. These systems naturally also raise questions about the security of the technology and thus - in the final analysis - about privacy.
In this workshop, the two speakers would like to present the KogniHome project in more detail, focusing primarily on the security aspects. With an attack on a protocol often used in the context of Smart Home, the workshop will show the necessity of security and authentication also in the own four walls. Furthermore, the workshop will present approaches and measures that can be used to prevent such or similar attacks.
The problems and solutions presented here can also be easily transferred to the topic of Industry 4.0, where the increasing networking also creates the need for secure and trustworthy communication protocols.


13:30 Lunch break with snack

Workshops 4 to 6 parallel:
Workshop 4:
Business Continuity Management - surviving IT emergencies with as little damage as possible

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel, Paderborn University, and Manfred Schneider, pro DS Data protection and data security consulting, Paderborn
Business Continuity Management is designed to support the functionality of business-critical processes, which today are typically distributed across a large number of IT systems and applications, in the event of a disaster. In the workshop basic concepts and methods will be presented and discussed with the participants using examples.
Workshop 5:
You will be hacked! - Methods and countermeasures

Moderation: Michael Röthlinger and Christian Micus, Lynx-Consulting GmbH, Bielefeld
This lecture will highlight safety-critical topics that pose a threat to both business application systems and production engineering systems. The use of standard software or integrated solutions in medium-sized companies is often based on safe systems. However, there are numerous open flanks that make it easy for attackers to gain access to data and business secrets. Practical examples are used to show where these open flanks can be found, how employees are sensitized and what can be done to ensure secure operations.
Workshop 6:
Benefits and dangers of open WLANs

Moderation: Maximilian Wilhelm, Paderborn University / Freifunk Paderborn
The Paderborn free-radio initiative, which is committed to the establishment and expansion of a free, uncensored network in Hochstift, has become the second largest free-radio community in Germany within a year, measured by the number of active access points. We want to take the rapid growth and broad acceptance as an opportunity to take a general look at the social, technical, but also legal framework conditions of open networks. Aspects such as the "Stoererhaftung" (Breach of Duty of Care), which is unique in Germany, the German government's digital agenda, and the distribution and provision of WLANs in public areas, which is regularly called for by political representatives, will also be discussed.
In the course of this workshop we would like to report on the current discussions in the free radio groups, in the press and in social networks in order to create a sensitivity for these topics and to enable an exchange among the participants.

16:15 Reports of the working groups in plenary
16:30 Summary, closing words
16:45 End of the event