Ed­uroam with DFN­Roam­ing

What is DFNRoaming or Eduroam and what is it good for?

DFN is the abbreviation for "Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e. V.", roaming is the mutual provision of one's own infrastructure for "customers" of other providers. The aim of DFNRoaming is to offer scientists and students at another scientific institution uncomplicated access to resources of their home institution and to the worldwide Internet.

To this end, roaming between the infrastructures of the participating institutions was organized under the coordination of DFN-Verein. Scientists or students can now very easily use the WLAN infrastructure available at the host institution: When the connection is established, the home institution is asked via the Internet whether it has the appropriate authorizations. This means that only one authorisation is required at the home university and not an additional authorisation at the host university or research institution. The prerequisite is, of course, that both the own and the external institution participate in DFNRoaming.

At which universities or research institutions DFNRoaming is possible and which locations are available there is explained on the DFN web pages at https://www.dfn.de/dienstleistungen/dfnroaming/. In addition, there is the Europe-wide Eduroam (Education Roaming).

What do you have to do as a member of the University of Paderborn at another university or research institution participating in DFNRoaming to use the WLAN?

Members of the University of Paderborn, if they want to use the WLAN of another university, which also operates DFNRoaming, have to connect to the corresponding network (most likely SSID eduroam) of the respective university to get access to the WLAN of the hosting institution. Authentication is done using the network certificate created at the University of Paderborn.

Of course you must already have a Uni-Account and access to the network "eduroam" of the University of Paderborn.

What do I have to do to use the WLAN of the University of Paderborn as a member of another university or research institution participating in DFNRoaming?

Members of other universities or research institutions must, if they want to use the WLAN of the University of Paderborn, establish a wireless connection to the wireless network "eduroam" of the University of Paderborn and authenticate themselves in the same way as they do at their home institution. If you authenticate with username and password you have to choose the form "username@home institution".