Me­dia work­places

The media workstations on level H1 are accessible to all members (e.g. faculties, institutes, chairs, facilities) of Paderborn University for media practical projects in the context of research and teaching (by arrangement and prior reservation via the ZIM room booking system).

  • 5 workstations with media production and video editing software: H1.322, H1.324, H1.338, H1.340 Adobe Creative Cloud / DaVinciResolve / Reaper for audio, video and graphics

  • 1 group workroom for hybrid scenarios (H1.314)

  • 1 analogue/digital copying system

Instruction in the media workstations is available as an option.

The editorial room in H1.201 is predominantly used by media practice seminars (including lecturers of media practice) and student editorial teams (e.g. Blickfang and L'UniCo), but is also accessible to other groups by arrangement.

Media Service Centre

Room: H1.201
Phone 05251/60-2821