ZIM: Me­dia

The ZIM: Media maintains the media infrastructure in centrally managed lecture halls and seminar rooms. E-learning offerings such as lecture recordings, streaming services, video conferencing and hybrid mobile event scenarios are also supported.

Mobile media systems (e.g. photo or video cameras, audio recorders, notebooks) can be borrowed by teachers and students at the Media Service Centre. The first principle in the use of media is help for self-help. In the Media Learning Centre, which is located in the open-plan room of the Media Service Centre, staff and student tutors therefore promote the media-competent use of the technology provided.

In special cases (e.g. in externally funded projects), the ZIM: Medien team supports video and audio production. The ZIM: Medien may produce audiovisual products for the academic community with its own specialist staff (in cooperation with the users).

A special feature of university teaching in Germany are the practical media courses within the framework of degree programmes, in which students of media studies and the Popular Music and Media degree programme are sensitised to professional media production. For the Studium Generale, the ZIM: Medien has developed the offer of a TV and radio teaching editorial office.

Service Centre Media

Room: H1.201
Phone 05251/60-2821